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waitlist and places


All families are encouraged to enter your child/ren onto our waitlist, however, we cannot ensure that a place will be available for your child when required. We advise families to add themselves to as many waitlists as possible, in order to have a better chance of securing care by the date it is needed.


Places will be offered to families depending on availability throughout the year. However, due to our extensive waiting list, the majority of places are offered for the beginning of each year, as this is when the children who are graduating to primary school will leave the Centre to begin school. Once those spaces are filled, offers are only made if families reduce their booked days or withdraw from the Centre, opening up positions on those days.

As we only require two weeks' notice for families to change days or withdraw, often we are unable to determine availability in advance.


Positions are also offered in line with our Priority of Access Policy. For more information, please read below.










Our service has a responsibility to ensure families are welcomed and supported during enrolment and orientation leading to ongoing respectful relationships with families.


Our service will ensure:

  • Management supports parents, staff and children during the enrolment and orientation process by demonstrating the value of collaboration and mutual respect.

  • Educators will develop respectful relationships with families and ensure that the enrolment and orientation are smooth and that lines of communication remain open.

  • All dealings with personal information are respectful and confidential as necessary. Parents contribute to respectful relationships by keeping staff informed of children’s needs.


If you are offered an enrolment, you will be contacted by phone or email and given a timeframe in which to respond to the offer. Please complete the online forms and submit them along with all requested documentation in order to finalise your enrolment and begin the orientation process with us.


Some of the required information includes:


  • Banking and Fee payment information

  • Childcare Subsidy information, including your child's Customer Reference Number (CRN)

  • Any allergies or dietary requirement management

  • Identification for any people approved to pick up your child 

  • An up-to-date immunisation record for your child OR approved catch-up scheme


Below is our Family Handbook and our enrolment policy for more information.






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